Sunday, March 29, 2009

What is Bugging Me

This is a blog I wrote and the pictures are my own taken last year. Thought there might be some who can relate.
***** What Is Bugging Me? *****
Sometimes I just have to get out and discover what is bugging me.

I know in today's times it gets a little over-whelming with all that is in the news.

Choosing years ago not to have a normal job had it's perks. I was like the ant and the grasshopper all rolled into one. What a funny creature I must have appeared to the other ants and the grasshopper was busy with his own thing. You know the grasshopper has a mentality that it will always be warm and sunny with plenty to eat. While the ant has been born into a family that only taught if you worked hard, did what the others ants were doing

then life would be good and you always had enough to last through the seasons when it was not warm and sunny. The ant family had a pretty good outlook and survived as a family unit.

Adventurous grasshopper thought he had a better thing going on. It was great to eat and lay around in the sun. If he got bored with the surroundings and his friends he would just hop on over to a new place. You have to give him credit, he knew how to blend in where ever he went and make new friends.

never giving a thought , well maybe sometimes, about his old friends left behind.

At times he would sit on a leaf just munching away; watching the ants going about there own boring routine. One thing for sure no matter where he went; he could count on the ants being the same. When he wanted, he could even talk a few of the ants to drop there bounty and he could have a tasty treat without having to find it for himself.

Well I thought maybe this is bugging me. I would work like the ant and them I would get bored and take a vacation or go on a new adventure, thinking it would always be sunny and there would always be plenty. Had I not proved this many times? I had always had the ingenuity to switch roles and create a pretty good life. If I just put forth effort when needed then I would store up for the times I wanted to go on a new adventure. It was a big world. I wanted to experience as much as I could. Even when the winter caught up I would work like the ant until I had a safe haven again.

Never thinking about getting old. Was that what was bugging me? No,getting old was not bothering me either. My family is healthy and doing well. I have all my needs met. I've learned how to live on much less because my wants are low when it comes to material things. Today I have friends, I appreciate for who they are. I am healthy, strong and still have a creative mind which I enjoy.

Then it struck me! I know what is bugging me.

I was never the ant nor the grasshopper. I was human.

Am I so wrapped up in myself I forgot whom is the benefactor?

Could I be forgetting something important?

Needless to say at that moment of clarity I felt like a silly frog.
Making a mountain out of a serene little fountain.

As my mind came back to reality, I saw I had a great life and would continue to have one.
No matter what happened in the news. No matter how high material thing would rise.
I have the ability to adjust my sails. I am not the benefactor.
I am the receiver of a loving, caring and benevolent power.
Everything is be just like it is suppose to be at this moment.

As I now took the time to look around, I discovered something I had not noticed before.
You see I love my garden.Planting, watching the plants appear and go through there life cycle.
Tending them, pulling out the weeds so they will have the proper air, water, and sunshine to grow to maturity. Rescuing ones that others have discarded and giving them a new chance at life.
When I saw this Tiger Lily, by the way Suzanne means Lilly, I knew I had not planted this flower.
It was a mystery as to how it got there.

In all it's glory without any help from me. Joy overcame me and I was able the see the Lilly of the field.
Talk about a feeling of joy. I could see all the blessings I receive just by breathing and looking around. I guess I would call it counting my blessings.

Thank yo so much for letting me share my world with you.
You are one of my blessings.
I hope you enjoyed the photographs nature so kindly bestowed.

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