Sunday, March 29, 2009

7 Things You Don't Know About Me (Come see who I have tagged )

Seven things you do not know about me.

First I want to thank all who read this. It means to me that you either have an inquisitive nature or you consider yourself my friend.
I like both species.

1. I was raised on a farm in Texas by a Dutch father and a Irish, Swiss, Indian Mother.
I have 3 brothers and they were all named Suzanne till I came along. My mother was determined she would have a girl..
My oldest brother is 10 years older than me and the youngest is 5 years...Anthony was the 4th brother I never knew. He was born on my birthday a year before and he died a year later the day I was born. He is the first angel God sent to watch over me. Boy has he had an adventure.

Down on the farm we raise peas and corn, had cattle, pigs and horses and 30,000 laying hens.
My father's favorite saying was " Can't never could and I believed him. I left home at 15 years old on the next bus out.
Never having finished school, I have an 8th grade education.

Everything I have learned since is by want to and life experience. I would not recommend this to others.

2. I have been married 5 times and divorced 6. One of them hollered common law. Watch out for those American Indians He was the one I divorced twice..
My first husband was the father of all my children. Not the parenteral father of all. While I was exploring all the new things in life I got pregnant at 16 by a 39 year old seaman.
I went to live with a family my oldest brother Micheal knew. All I heard was Dude this and Dude that.
Dude, his real name Harlan was in the service at the time and the nephew of the folks where I resided at the time.
I fell in love before I ever met him. I let him chase me till I caught him. The rest is history.

3. My children are 43, 41, 39, and 37 years old now.
One of my sister-in-laws said me after the last one was born,

" Are you trying to populate the world?"
I replied " No, I just don't have color TV like you.
There are three girls and one boy. Among them I am a grandmother of 11. I know they can afford color TV so go figure.

Soon to be a great grand-mother twice.
My oldest grand-daughter lives and teaches in China.
I am very proud of all my children and grand babies.

4. My careers have mostly been self created.

Remember the can't never could statement?
I have owned and operated 3 hotshot trucking companies, a printing company, BBQ restaurant, several antique shops, a restoration shop, several cleaning companies ( one in Hawaii ) , a floral shop, and now I do painting, repairs, decorating, and construction for local clients as well as sell on the internet.
In between I have been a used car salesperson, flooring salesperson,and a furniture salesperson as well as a few I forgot..

5. The love of travel has taken me to all 50 states except Alaska. A lot of them several times.
Besides Alabama, I have lived in Texas, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii, Oklahoma,and California.
Out of all I loved Hawaii the best but all had special attributes.

I am not a snow baby and detest the cold.
Colorado is an absolutely breathtaking state. I left in the middle of a snow storm just to get out of the cold. Maybe you can guess my sun sign?

6. My sobriety date is February 12, 1989. I have 20 years but really only today.
Those who celebrate sobriety, my hat is off to you.
I discovered it is not the drinking but the thinking that was the problem.
My life is not a bowl of cherries but I can remember what happened today and I am relatively happy no matter what is going in my life.

7. I know if you made it this far you have to be a friend or having a boring day.

I believe in God, also I believe I live under the grace of God. It is not what I have done, what I do, nor is it how I do it.
What it means to me is God just loves me and wants the best for me.
This is my own personal belief and I believe everyone has a right to there beliefs.
I do the best I can everyday and try to carry some of life's lessons along with me.
Thank you so much for getting to know me a little better.

Now I tag Sea, Sillybee, Sandy, Alpha, Dainty Blue and Terra960

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