Monday, July 27, 2009

Life's Garden


I love tomato sandwiches, fried green tomatoes, come to think of it, I love tomatoes in just about any form. Not just any old tomato mind you but a fresh garden grown tomato will do me just fine.
I love the taste,color,smell and feel of a homegrown out of the garden tomato. You just can't get the same experience from a grocery tomato.
I know, I can't have this luscious fruit the way I like year round. This is a good thing, if I could, I would tire of fresh tomatoes. I would forget how special they really are.

If I had everything I wanted when I want it; there would be no need for the words good, better, best.
Life would become boring. There would not be a reason to get out of bed much less experience anything new.
So I guess all the things in life, that I don't like, have a purpose.
I have to admit not every day is just peachy and I see a bigger picture but every day is good.

I find the best of days come when I don't have me in the forefront of my thought pattern. Now I know for me to dress up and show up I have to be in the equation somewhere.

Equation Pictures, Images and Photos
I call it the happiness equation. Somewhere between elevation ( elation ) and depression ( worry, fear, ego ) is a happy medium. It always raises and lowers itself determined by my expectations. The higher my expectations of myself and others the lower my happiness.
Does this mean I don't have needs like everyone? No, what it means is I have to know what I want. I once thought a want was a material thing, today I believe wants are the same as dreams or visions. Something created, that takes form from a passion inside. The first thing, I remember, in this process is it is my vision, not someones dream for me. To have passion is not to settle for the ordinary or to play it safe from fear. It is to do what I know is squirming and wiggling inside my soul to come out and explode in a burst of energy. It lives and breathes in all my actions as well as my reactions. Most humans spend all there life waiting for the day they will go into the light. A magic journey. I believe I can spend time waiting or I can go into the light every day by understanding the light is within all.
To create a burning light, I have to remember there is a connection to all life and the essence of life is love. To be generous with love, I have to understand I am love. The acts of creation of togetherness even if we have different passions is to accept, be kind, believe in change, watch our motives, as well as understand there is enough space for all. Also, believe that freedom lives within and can not be stolen or taken away as long as I do not put my dependence on the material world.
Great men and women have always known this and practiced it to create dreams and visions. It has never been a gun that won a war. It was a oneness with a vision of goodness and equality that created a right outcome. This is not a new thought and many good souls have left this plane because of this belief.
There will always be those who believe fighting, violence and taking will get the outcome wanted.
I believe a soul who walks quietly with knowledge and direction gets what is good for all.
This is not a political or religious blog.
These a just a few thoughts that came to the forefront as I was writing.
There is no perfect world living at my house or even in my mind. I consider this life a journey with new awareness expressed in all forms.
It does not matter if others agree, what matters is every soul has a right to be and create.
May you find a medium ground today and always.

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